Saturday, December 11, 2010


Not that I want to immediately come across as some sort of religious freak, but, growing up we didnt celebrate Christmas. While i am a Christian, I do not follow any of the established religious orders on this planet. I read the bible and form my beliefs from that. Jeremiah 10:2-6 tells me that the christmas tree was established way before the birth of christ. "Heathen" people brought these evergreen trees into their house and worshipped them because they believed that since the tree didnt die in the winter, there must be a god living inside it. It just seems offensive to God. In my lifetime, I've spoken to God several times about this and I've decided that Christmas is really just about the giving and none of the rest really matters. I dont think it's possible to offend God because He always knows whats coming and is therefore never surprised. It is however, entirely possible to offend my wife. And that's something I try not to do. So the tree is up now, but just to let God know that I'm not the average heathen, It's hanging from the ceiling instead of being supported on the floor.

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