Thursday, January 20, 2011


     It's not that I love Brody more than my other kids. I love them all. I do feel more connected to Brody though for several reasons. Even though Eric is my oldest, Brody is my first born. Probably an odd way to see things, but Eric was 3 when I became his dad and I cut Brody's cord. When we got married we decided right away to start increasing our family. Well it wasn't easy. My wife got pregnant on our honeymoon but miscarried a few weeks later. Then nothing for 3 years. Finally with the help of a fine doctor and a minor surgery on me, we got Brody. I don't think I'd ever been happier to meet someone as I was when I met Bro.
     Also, I understand Brody better than any other person on this planet. See, Brody isn't just "like" me, he doesn't just look like me......he IS me. We see the world the same way. I can easily know what he's thinking because I know what I would have been thinking. I know that he thinks he's just a little smarter and a little better at everything than everyone else, because that's what I thought. I recognize the way he tries to be funny when he's nervous. I also am very familiar with his "big picture" attitude and not really paying attention to the details. I see how all the kids at school like Brody but very few are really close to him and I know that that's Brody's choice.
     He can be a mean sometimes. But even that, I know, is a defensive tactic and not out of aggression. He has a good heart and a wonderful sense of humor. He can also be the sweetest boy you've ever met. He always helps both kids and adults when he decides they need him. Also, like his dad, he stubbornly does what he thinks he SHOULD do, whether it turns out to be the right thing or not.
     I'm not sure that I really want Brody to be like me, I just see that he is. Fortunately he has us to help him through the hard parts. His mom is the best mom ever and she is fully aware that Brody has a lot of the same internal issues as his dad.
     Not everyone get's the opportunity to see themselves grow up and fewer still get to help guide that process. I am fortunate to get this "second chance" and absolutely enjoying it.
     I love my Brody. Not more than my other kids, but differently for sure.

1 comment:

  1. :) I'm thankful that I have you to help me understand where Bro's head is at sometimes.
    Have I mentioned that I love your blogs and I'm so happy you are doing this?
